Well, that went by quickly.

Another month past, complete with a crushing day-job workload. Writing-wise, I had one rewrite request from a market I’d love to be published in–this may or may not go somewhere. Otherwise, it was a revisit to my novel, to weave in few more changes to balance things out and ready it for a round of agent submissions. As soon as that’s done, back to short fiction for a while.

Desk is holding up under the weight of all the crap piled on it. As part of the novel work, I had to go back to my printed notes, which are stacked on the work laptop at the moment, as are two manuscripts for the FOGcon writing workshop taking place next Saturday. I have the distinct pleasure of being in David Levine’s group again, and I submitted a fresh, original story.

Drinking Malta, which is essentially unfermented beer. It’s kind of gross.

A bit more news about FOGcon, which I’ll put in a separate post. Back to the word mines…