
Book Marketing

Here’s what’s on my mind (or at least my browser tabs) these days. Book Marketing.

This Reddit post recounts how one author quadrupled his sales. I’m mainly putting it here so I can find it later, but if you find this interesting, let me know in the comments below.…

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Ready Player One movie: will it suck?

This article starts with the title

‘Ready Player One’ is a terrible book and it will be a terrible movie

and goes from there.

The criticism is familiar for anyone who’s read reviews of the book: allegedly it focuses too much on nostalgia at the expense of story and character.…

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Ready Player Who?

Lots of excitement in the sci-fi world lately. The Ready Player One film is rapidly approaching. The initial images released look very Spielberg. And from everything I’ve heard, the film will be full of easter eggs and clever adaptations to some of the puzzles to make them more suitable for a visual medium.…

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The most inspirational quote

A  quote that reshaped my life came from a mathematical textbook.

I’ve remembered it as “what one fool can do, so can another,” but in full form it is:

Being myself a remarkably stupid fellow, I have had to teach myself the difficulties, and now beg to present to my fellow fools the parts that are not hard.

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Micah Joel

Purveyor of things geeky